
We strongly advise property buyers NOT TO SIGN any document or letter or booking letter without property verification and suggest them to examine and read the brochure and the application form or any other paper or letter handed over by the seller/developer/agent/marketing person, to book the property/apartment, either to ready to move in or pre launch projects, to be very cautious, as there is a TRAP, (unprinted) that in the event of any discrepancy or defect in the titles of the property, the seller/owner/builder/marketing agent will DEDUCT OR ADJUST THE GST(TAX) from the booking amount/advance amount.

<p class="has-medium-font-size" value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80"> A pre launch project was offered with all the worldly approvals from concerned authorities, was offered to the public. The titles were totally defective with many cases or suits running/contested for years, still running, will run for some more years. The competent authorities gave all the approvals, when, it was questioned by the buyer, the authorities simply and coollllly said, there is NO STAY ORDER FROM THE COURT. A pre launch project was offered with all the worldly approvals from concerned authorities, was offered to the public. The titles were totally defective with many cases or suits running/contested for years, still running, will run for some more years. The competent authorities gave all the approvals, when, it was questioned by the buyer, the authorities simply and coollllly said, there is NO STAY ORDER FROM THE COURT.

The buyers, signed the application at the booking stage and paid the booking amount, upon detecting discrepancies and defects, the seller/owner/builder/marketing agent, refused to refund the booking amount stating that GST has been paid. The buyer, cannot initiate recovery proceedings, as the expenses and the time will be far more than the booking amount paid. Helpless.

The buyer is running from pillar to post with requests to refund the booking amount, very tragic situation.

Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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